It involved one puppy, a backdrop from H - E - double hockey sticks, a brain vacation, and LOADS of treats.
For those of you who like to be quick, the resulting photo is below. You can see it and skip the story of how we got there (just go to the bottom of the blog and find the next link in the circle). The story is not for the faint of heart, as those who understand 6-month-old puppies will agree.
But, if you really want to read some scary stuff, the rest of the story is below the photo.
I ordered a spooky 5 foot skeleton from OTC, we named him Mr. Bonejangles, and he welcomes visitors (who during our pandemic social distancing is mostly UPS, FedEx drivers and deer). A square plastic package came in the skeleton box. It was this crazy backdrop, featuring a witch's cauldron, raven in a cage, spell book, etc.
I say crazy because this backdrop is in THREE PIECES. THREE PIECES. Who does that? F.R.I.G.H.T.E.N.I.N.G!!
Essentially you have to line it all up, using clips, on a background stand. Crazy right?
Wine. Did I say, you need wine for this? It's part of the instructions. Get glass of red wine, try to line up the three piece background on the background stand. As if that wasn't scary enough, there's more.
To be honest this background will only have one usage. This one. For this photo. Because puppies eat stuff.
But I digress.
With backdrop finally in place and camera placed on tripod stand, it's now time to see if the puppy has retained anything she has been taught in the last six months about sitting and staying. Treats are used. As is a remote to take the photo. Except the remote decides it will not cooperate to focus the camera. Which means "STAY" gets really tested.
This is the part where one human brain packs its bags and heads to warmer climates, and where I totally forget I have locked in the back button focus, which explains why the remote is not working to focus. (Technical issue, I know, but while trying to figure this out, the backdrop became a "one hit wonder" as you can't figure out technical stuff and keep a good eye on a puppy, whose "STAY" apparently needs more work, at the same time.)
Puppy back on platform, backdrop re-aligned, treat ready, remote now working, back button unlocked and--FINALLY--we have lift off. Talley had not a single care about my off camera flash, but when I put the neck ruff on her, treats went right out the window in favor of chewing that instead--if she could only get to it.
The hat? Well, forget that. I found one in stock photos and added it in post processing.
Yep, a real nightmare. I survived. I need the tee shirt.
In the end, I laughed a lot, Talley got her fill of treats, and we both took a nap. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
I can't wait to see what's next in the blog circle. How about you? Start with Pawparazzi Pet and Animal Photography presented by Shae Pepper Photography. Have fun out there! And most importantly, stay safe!