I have not written a blog since May.
Here's what happened.
Competition Season
Print competition season actually starts in March. Since obtaining my Master of Photography degree at the national level and my Professional Photographers Association of Pennsylvania (PPAofPA) degree at the state level (and working tirelessly to get there with image after image), I no longer feel the urgent need to submit images into competition. However, I do like to support the professional associations that I am a member of, and went ahead and submitted a few images to PPAofPA's spring competition and Northeastern Pennsylvania Professional Photographers Association in May.
I have only been submitting two images per competition, where I used to submit four, but again, I am trying to be supportive without spending an inordinate amount of time on competition images. I am unsure if I will keep competing in digital image competition in the future. At this point I prefer helping others to achieve their goals and using some of the knowledge I have gained through my time with Professional Photographers of America to mentor photographers who are looking to climb the ladder of competition.
I did act as a juror for NPPPA's photo competition in May, not an easy job for sure.
Time Off
Every photographer will tell you that time off is an important commodity. I decided to take some time off to enjoy the summer a little more and do some "hobby" photography things that I used to love doing, but no longer had time for.
Two of our grandkids just left last weekend, after staying with us for a week and attending a local day camp. I have loads of cell phone photos to represent their stay and our activities.
Talley (our Therapy dog) and I have also been maintaining our schedule of visits over the summer. I have been doing some cell phone documentation of her relationships with individuals at our regular visitation spots.
Client Scheduling
I have been taking on some clients during my break, but honestly, I have been picky. I did some Loving Memory sessions for those who receive not-so-welcomed news from their vets that their beloved pet may not have a long time left in this realm.
We lost two of our own most beloved pets in June, within 7 days of each other, both at the age of 15. I was glad that time off was my agenda, because the grief from these losses was overwhelming. During the time just after our second loss, I listened to this article on NPR. It was helpful in making me realize that the things we experience in this loss, are shared by many others who also experience loss.
Now, I am about to move into High School Senior scheduling and sessions, usually a whirlwind between September and the end of October.
Moving back into a regularly scheduled program of photography and blogging is on the horizon as we near the Fall. I will be covering some events in the near future, and I look forward to the hustle and bustle of everything photography has to offer.
Stay tuned to my Facebook page for future updates. I hope to blog at least once a month, maybe more, if time permits. In the meantime, enjoy every last minute summer has to offer!