Life sometimes runs in fits and spurts, and sometimes it just goes full throttle for a while. I have been in full throttle mode these last few months. In the midst of the gas pedal being stuck on "fast," changes have been dropping in to say hello. Some of them are welcome changes and some of them are not.
But again, that's life. Let me catch you up.
New Blogging Focus
For many years (I really cannot remember how far back this started), I have been a part of a blogging circle of pet photographers. For those of you that followed this blog, you may remember when there were links to chain all of us together. That evolved into writing separate posts, but sharing the links to the blog post in a central location, so that all the other pet photographers blogging that week could read and comment.
As of this month, the circle is now defunct. While I will certainly miss blogging with my fellow pet photographers, it's nice that we built up a good friendship over the years and supported each other's work. Yet, in a way, I am excited to take my blogging beyond just pet photography.
I do consider myself a pet photography specialist, but I also photograph families, high school seniors, children, and do some headshot work. My hobby includes photographing wildlife--mainly birds and deer, as well as flowers. I plan on beginning to share more of that work here in the days to come.
This Northeastern PA winter was certainly void of large snow storms. We did get a few, and my grandkids finally got to use the snow tubes they received at Christmas. After I took these photos, I realized how much they had grown since the last time we had a snow event that allowed us to slide down hills.
Education and Competition
In early March I attended the Professional Photographers Association of Pennsylvania's (PPAofPA) Inspire Conference, and submitted two images into competition. Both merited, with one receiving the first ever President's Choice Award.
There I also received my state degree (I received my national degree in April of 2023) and was lucky enough to snag a photo with the new/current President of Professional Photographers of America, Mark Campbell.
I do have spring fever, and with the first official day of spring arriving in the upcoming week, daffodils have begun to push their way to blooming, buds are appearing on the trees, and the first song birds are returning to sing me their morning and evening tunes.
As you read through the upcoming blog posts, I'd encourage you to comment or like the post within the blog itself. This will help me to catch your comments when they happen, and also helps my website. Consider it your support of a small business.
Enjoy your week ahead!