So far weeks 1 - 4 have included the themes of: Symmetry, Shadow, Humor, and Texture. To see my submissions for previous weeks, please travel to my Facebook page. I've moved the remainder of the weekly submissions to this blog, starting with Week 5 - Movement.
After considering all the daily movement around me--dogs running, playing, jumping; cats chasing each other; horses enjoying themselves in the field--I decided to interpret this week's challenge a little differently. I was out shooting some photographs this weekend, when I came upon a beautiful barn. I pulled my car alongside the road and walked up to the fence line to snap a photo. Suddenly, I saw a spotted head pop up several fields away. It was a paint horse.
Horses are notoriously curious AFTER they get over their flight mode. True to form, the paint decided I was very interesting and began to move toward me across the fields. Within minutes, alternately trotting and walking, he was there at the fence, wondering if I had anything to give him besides a "hello."
Once I returned home and uploaded my images from the day, I realized I had one of the best moving creatures we could ask for in photographs, and a progression of moves coming toward me. So I created a collage of the movement. From Place 1 to Place 2, here is the spotted horse, satisfying his curiosity.