Big is also relative. What you might consider a big dog, I might look at as a medium sized pooch.
Today's professional photography blog circle theme is "I like big mutts and I cannot lie," so I thought I would talk about some of the nuances of photographing (ahem) "larger" dogs.
I think it would be a good idea to establish my definition of "big." Big, beautiful dogs in my dictionary, weigh more than 40 pounds. This weight ratio can be found in tall, short and in-between dogs. It just depends on muscle mass.
Big dogs have LARGER EXPRESSIONS. Bigger tongues, larger snouts, wider frames overall.
Below are some tips for photographing big, beautiful dogs. For me there is a difference in my approach, both in studio and outdoors.
2. Understand that while a big dog has a big expression, there might be more drool (larger jowls) involved in your process. Take along one or two terry cloth towels for clean up. I always have a few towels in my bag in case the pet owner has not brought their own.
3. Don't use treats with big dogs. I rarely, if ever, use a treat-based photo experience with big dogs. Why? Well, number two above--more drool--can even be more more more drool if treats are involved. Instead I use stuffed toys or noise makers to ask for attention.
4. Some larger breed dogs may have quirky sitting practices. Gangly, muscled, or even older large breed dogs may not sit perfectly, or in a picturesque manner. Be aware of this and look for angles that take attention away from an awkward pose.
Many big dogs have, well, big ears. It's important to be sure you get every ounce of ear in your photographs. I personally love big and expressive ears, and while I may be a bit creative in cropping out other body parts, I always make sure both ears are in the photo.
The one thing you really should know if you are thinking about opting for a larger dog in your life--buy a bigger couch.
Hope you enjoyed today's look at beautiful big dogs. This is a professional photography blog circle. To read more about this theme, start here with Jemma of JM photography in Suffolk, as she talks about the big dog breed the Boerboel. Then look for the link at the end of each blog to move around the circle, until you find yourself right back here where you started.
Enjoy your weekend! Make it full of big, beautiful things!