Winter is like a good cleansing. The season's starkness is not for the faint of heart. Neither is it's darkness.
We start from scratch in Winter. We hope whatever it has covered over will burst forth again in the Spring. It often does, and more beautifully than we remember it over the six cold months that often make up Northeastern Pennsylvania's snowy season.
I was watching the birds at our feeders yesterday, and decided that they knew quite a bit more than I did about Winter. They do not seem daunted by it at all.
The birds puff themselves up against the cold winds, and remember who fed them last year. They find cubbies and nooks to hide in, then happily go about their business of cracking open black sunflower seeds and chasing away competitors.
I love birds. I think we can learn a lot from them. They have no guarantees that they will find a goody under that blank slate of white snow, yet it doesn't stop them from searching. Because ultimately, they know they will find what they are looking for, and that instinct serves them well. Our feathered friends are great examples of faith--that things will eventually be in their favor.
We have MANY new participants in the blog circle. I encourage you to explore it, this first posting in January, to see what other photographers have to offer in the interpretation of the theme. Start here with Tim Evans of Tim Evans Photography, serving Hattiesburg and the rest of the southern Mississippi region. Tim is a new member. WELCOME Tim!
(P.S. If you find that some links do not work at first, come back later in the day. When new members join, we have to work the bugs out, but things are usually back to normal after a few hours.)
#blankslate, #birdsinwinter, #igottheshotphotography