From cute little snouts to big-dog schnozzolas, noses are a thing of beauty.
Without further ado, here are some dog noses I think you will enjoy. Some I have used before and some are brand new. Can you tell what type of dog they belong to?
- a dog's sense of smell is anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 times greater than that of a human (think about that the next time you put on perfume or after shave and your dog is in the room);
- dog noses are often wet so that they can smell better (if a dog's nose gets dry, they will lick it themselves to make it wet again);
- dogs can smell out of each side of their noses separately (all of our odor identification goes to the same single passage);
- 33% of a dog's brain is dedicated to their sense of smell (only 5% in husband only 1 percent).
To see much more about noses, the blog circle is waiting. Start with Sam Adele of The Hoof & Hound Photographer, covering the Lancaster UK area. Enjoy your summer weekend!