From our set ups to our crop choices, each photo is a reflection of the design, style and process used by each of us to best capture the moment, likeness and spirit of our subjects.
I don't think we have to go overboard to be listed as creative.
Something as simple as taking a plain background and dropping in a painted one in post processing, is a basic nod to creativity.
There are times when I want to use editing to add my own flare and signature style, which has evolved to what it is now, and encompasses my vision for what I want to see in a finished photo.
I think all photographers walk around looking at everything in terms of how it can be used to creatively construct a photo, whether that be backgrounds (real or studio), props, lighting, and the arsenal of tools we call our dark room.
I love my work and enjoy bringing it all together for my clients.
The theme this week is "creative editing" and the blog circle will take you further down that path. To see how other photographers interpreted this week's theme, start with Jackie Petersen Pet Photography, serving pet lovers in Northern Utah. Look for the link at the bottom of each blog to move around the circle. Enjoy and have a great weekend!