The notorious black cat with arched back next to the pumpkin.
But this blog isn't about black cats. It's about why dogs need to be included in the Howl-o-ween thought process.
I Can't Seem to Costume My Dog
I am not a huge fan of costumes, so let me get that right out of the way. I don't know many dogs who are really fond of wearing them, and my personal dogs, well most of them, hate to wear anything but their collars.
However, there are some dogs who LOOOOVVVVEEE to wear things. (I just don't own any.)
5 Tips for Including Your Dog in Howl-o-ween Fun!
(1) Halloween oriented collars (we own quite a few of these babies). If your pup accompanies you on the candy run, why not dress him or her in a collar that SCREAMS Howl-o-ween?
(2) A Halloween themed ruff or bandana. (Do you think it's called a ruff because...well...dogs?)
(3) Use one piece, on your dog, that isn't really an entire costume, but fits with your program. (Like the little explorer in the photo below, who used an explorer hat on his somewhat okay-with-it beagle.)
(5) Always buy loose fitting items, or drapey things, which don't bind the dog, and make them feel more comfortable.
Eventually, with a few good treat associations with the "somethings" you choose to dress them in, you might just win the Howl-o-ween dress up contest (the human versus dog-says-no contest, that is).
And here's an extra tip for photographers. If you are like me and you don't necessarily like traditional costuming (we used to ALWAYS make homemade costumes when I was a kid), any Party City or similar store will provide a red cape or two, while Oriental Trading is a fantastic source for mask craft kits (kids can put them together and you can use them in your session!).
Include your pup in Howl-o-ween festivities, but remember to keep that candy out of reach!
Click Into The Circle
I am part of a weekly blogging group of professional pet photographers located all over the planet. To see what others have blogged about in this week's topic (photographer's choice), start here with Tracy Allard of Penny Whistle Photography in Carrollton, Texas as she shows you how colorful and fun studio portraits of your dog or cat can be.
Happy Halloween!