When this week's theme came along, I knew exactly where I wanted to go. Instead of landmarks, I could have called today's blog "A Tale of Two Bridges."
Naturally, I love this bridge for its photographic qualities.
The second bridge is actually a covered foot bridge over the creek near Christy Mathewson park. Our cat, Matty, is named for Chisty Mathewson, as we found him in the middle of a Factoryville road near where Christy Mathewson used to reside. Christy Mathewson was a Major League Baseball, right-handed pitcher who played 17 seasons with the New York Giants
The park is a lovely place to take a stroll, and has, appropriately, a ball park field as part of its attractions. This bridge is a great landmark, and as the entrance to the park, it stands out as an attraction used to view the creek as it meanders through Factoryville.
I thought about placing her all the way down at the other end of the foot bridge, where she would be teeny tiny Billie, but there were too many people in the park for me to take a chance of her leaving my sight, so instead I placed her at the mouth of the bridge.
For more landmark discoveries, the blog circle awaits. Start with Nancy Kieffer Photography serving Central New York, the Adirondacks and beyond. It's going to be a scorcher this weekend, so I am going to find cover, and some air conditioning. Enjoy!