It is advisable to choose a photographer who understands the requirements of good portrait work, whether using natural or studio lighting, because it really isn't just about picking up a camera and taking a shot. There is a science behind a good portrait photograph, and it has to do with the relationship between all the elements mentioned above.
That being said, I am going to focus on two environmental portraits (lifestyle portraiture) taken in the summer on the same day in two different settings. The first was taken in outdoor light.
Here's the same child, different animal, inside.
Both portraits give you insight into the life of the child.
I do many dog and cat portraits, some in their natural environments and some in studio. Because I used two photos I did in the summer above, here is a studio portrait done recently as part of a Loving Memories session for a Dad and his dog. You can see the dramatic difference in the studio lighting, and the story told by the photo is one of deep love. I usually hold it together pretty well during Loving Memories sessions, but this one was difficult for me, because the subject let me into his life in a very real way with this particular portrait.
The subject this week is Portraits, and my guess is the blog circle will have lovely things for us to see. So head there right now, starting with Angela Schneider of Noses & Toes Pet Photography in Spokane, WA, and North Idaho. Have a great weekend!