High key images don't necessarily require a white background, but it does help if you are looking for brightness, and the elimination (or brightening) of shadows. High key is a style choice. It's fun to experiment with, but it isn't something I'm going to look to do on a regular basis. High key images allow for blown out areas in a photo. I really prefer the use of shadow in my photos, contrast and normal lighting situations.
All of the dogs that make up our family right now, have never seen this much snow all in one day. They weren't quite sure how to react. We dug our paths for them to run, but the snow kept coming down and adding more inches. Ultimately, their plan of action was run out, do what needed to be done, run back in. A few tried to play, but found that the snow beyond the paths was just too deep and gave up.
Below you will find some of the photos I managed to snap when I wasn't getting snowed on.
I am starting this blog post on Tuesday. Let's see if Wednesday is a brighter day and if I can get some additional high key shots of the dogs outside.
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So here we are on Wednesday, back out into the Alaskan wilderness.......oh wait, I live in Pennsylvania. We are on DAY TWO of snow removal and still not able to actually use our vehicles to go anywhere, which is actually okay because only our car is free from snow at this point--the truck looks like Mt. Everest. The paths for the dogs got some additional snow fall overnight and had to be reshoveled.
It is a bit brighter today and allowed me to capture these images of Lilah. The snow acts like a giant reflector around her.
I don't know about you, but I'm hoping for some sunshine and beaches in the blog circle today. For more high key images, start with Cahlean Klenke of About A Dog Photography, serving St. Cloud and central Minnesota, then work your way around the circle until you find yourself right back here on the frozen tundra! You can probably guess what my weekend will be like....but I'm dreaming of summer vacation! Enjoy!