The tail is a mix of patterns and texture. I used a filter when processing it to give it a deeper feel, and to blur the edges.
So, I guess, somewhere back in my past shooting history, my mind was seeing the patterns and textures separately from the whole object.
Still, it was a totally different feeling to be planning for unsharp images, as I've spent the last two and a half years trying to get everything in top level focus.
I also think that things that lend themselves to patterns and textures are much easier to wrap your head around in terms of doing abstract work.
I had been thinking about this for hours on end. I would be cleaning up the dishes and wondering exactly how I was going to use a dog or cat to achieve an abstract image, and one that wasn't clearly focused.
I found this piece which helped me immensely.
I took to heart the use of shadows, lines and textures for my work this week, and also our text's recommendation to not always have crisp images.
Luke, once again, seemed to be in the right place at the right time. I saw this happen in front of my eyes and I did have my camera within reach, thankfully.