This past weekend I was visiting a suburban burg (really lovely place) where I had no time to explore because I was studying and signed up to take my Certified Professional Photography exam. Staying in a hotel through one and one half days of downpours and cold, brisk winds, plus blowing out your eyeballs reading a computerized study guide, were the only things on the menu. I did manage to sneak in one 40 minute walk after the rain broke on the second evening. I am happy to report that I passed the exam. It was all worth it.
Arriving home late Sunday, I waited for weather cooperation. Tuesday seemed to be the day. Sun and warmth showed up bigtime. I had a plan to visit an Urban park and take some photos from a walkway overlooking the buildings. Unfortunately, there were about 1000 people there. See, this is what happens when you live in Northeastern Pennsylvania and you have a quota of sunny days. EVERYONE is out when they occur. Thwarted again, but at least Billie got a walk.
So I come to you downtrodden. A forlorn photographer who didn't want to experience 300 photo bombers in her dog photo at the golden hour. The good news is, even though it was getting dark, I found a number of new places on my drive home that I can do some urban sessions. I plan on going out at a later date to take some preliminary photos with one of our dogs to see how they will work out for client photo shoots. I try to find a bright spot in all things.
In the meantime, I pulled an image from my archive. Well two images. The first is taken at the area Plow and Hearth store. An adoption event (the store is great about showing off shelter animals), people were lining up to see the pups and kitties looking for new homes. This has always been a favorite image of mine from that event.
Oh, that second image? This pup played an integral role greeting visitors at the door of the Plow and Hearth on that day.
She-who-must-go-urban-again is now handing you off to photographers whom, I am sure, will get you there. I am going back to the walkway on a rainy day. No one will be there.
Start your urban ride with St. Cloud & Central MN dog photographer, Cahlean Klenke, of About A Dog Photography. Enjoy the circle. See you next week!