Green. That's what I see. That's the color. Day, night, up, down, right, left. Green. I could not bring myself to take another photo in a sea of green. So I started thinking of places that might be colorful on rainy days, since it now always rains here.
I remembered a spot with plenty of graffiti, but with the rain and undergrowth we are experiencing, you have to walk in from a road, and I didn't want to subject both myself and Billie (the chosen dog for this week's colorful event) to tick infestations.
Then I remembered the colorful and beautiful murals of Pittston, Pennsylvania. I knew there was a new mural that had been dedicated in 2015, and believe it or not, even though I live within 40 minutes of Pittston, I had never seen the mural, but I read about it. (You can too, if you click here.)
The mural was painted by artist Michael Pilato, and honors local heroes and town folk who helped make Pittston what it is today.
I packed Billie in the car and we hit a part of a day that gave us a small window between the raindrops. We found the New Rose building, the site of the mural, fairly easily. The mural faced a parking lot, and, unfortunately, there were some cars parked up against some of the areas. I settled on an area of the mural that I thought Billie would fit right in and began to take some test shots.
It is quite a colorful mural. I only wish the parking was not so close to it, as it mars the chances for photographers to capture the mural in all its glory. Billie was very cooperative and stayed right where I put her. She is such a colorful character, it's one of the other reasons I chose her this week, plus I needed a dog that would stand out against a mural background. The final image is below.
I think I need to contact Mr. Pilato and tell him this mural does need a scruffy dog in it and I've found the perfect spot and the best model.
For more colorful images, the blog circle is waiting. Start with Susannah Maynard of Pet Love Photography, serving Greater Cincinnati and the San Francisco Bay Area. I hope you have a fun weekend with some colorful characters of your own!