Some cameras (mine included) allow you to change the aspect ratio in camera, using the camera's menu. But, you can also crop your photograph to a different aspect ratio in post-processing.
Why does aspect ratio matter? Well, without considering the aspect ratio when taking photographs of your subject, you might not leave enough room around your subject to frame well, or you may have too much empty space around the subject. It's a good idea to become familiar with what the particular aspect ratio is with regard to your camera. This will help you compose better images.
I often would rather leave too much, rather than too little space around my subject, because I can always crop down when processing the image.
Our assignment this week was to take a photograph and crop it to different aspect ratio sizing to see which ratio might be best in a given situation. For this week I took a sort of nondescript photograph of Bethy. Here is the original.
So which image aspect ratio appeals to you for this particular image?
I recently moved from a crop sensor camera to a full frame camera, and it took me a while to get used to the extra space I had in my images. I had to relearn how close to stand to my subjects and revamp my composition thinking when it came to how much to include or not include in a photograph. Aspect ratios were a help in this relearning process.
For more on aspect ratios, start here with BARKography by Kim Hollis, based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Then, follow the link at the end of each blog post until you are back here again. Happy reading!