I am not a fan of the cold and shorter days of Winter, but I am a fan of the sights it brings, including crystal clear and vibrant sunsets, frozen worlds, and the magic of snow (at least it's magical the first few times it falls).
Here's a take away from this week's lesson that made an impression on me: "No amount of previsualization will guarantee the creative process or that the light will do what you hope or that the moment you anticipate will unfold in front of you. So calm down."
This is so very true.
I often have an idea or plan for a photo session, but that plan may be impacted by a number of things which change the process, or what I thought would happen. You have to be flexible enough to allow these things to unfold and then roll with the punches. I also think that when you try too hard, you lose sight of the creativity in the craft. Spontaneity can give you something unexpected and lovely. But you have to recognize it when it happens. Slowing down can help.
This week we had snow - ice - snow - cold...in that order. The dogs were not keen on staying out too long in the cold. On the other hand, some of them LOVE the snow, and look forward to running with abandon in it every time they go outside.
I took my camera out after our most recent snow festival, and "slowed down." It's how I was able to capture the first photo you see on the blog this week, the one of our dog, Danny, who recently has become very camera shy. Naturally, I would have preferred if the large snow blob wasn't right in front of him, but he struck a handsome pose. I was most delighted with his tail being up, because Danny is a very fearful dog, who for a number of years, moved with his tail glued between his legs. This stance shows a confident dog against the white backdrop of nature, and he did not even know I was taking the picture. He was intent on watching something and I took my time, snow blob be damned. If I had moved in any direction to get clearof the snow blob, he might have lost his concentration and I would have lost the shot.
There definitely was quite a bit of snow celebration as well. Lilah loves the snow more than any of our dogs. She gets the zoomies as soon as her paws hit the white stuff. It's hard to get her to slow down, but I made sure I did, being sure to place myself in a position to hopefully capture her exhuberance. She was in a full throttle run in the photo below.
"Look, Piper is laying on the chair." "Look, Piper has the bone." "Look, Piper is sitting in the middle of the yard not doing anything."
Remember to slow down in the mad rush ahead. Take a deep breath, and even if you don't have a camera with you, look for things you might not otherwise see if you had not slowed down.
To read more on this week's theme, head to the blog circle, starting with Darlene Dykas Woodward of Pant the Town Pet Photography serving Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Stay safe and warm this weekend!