We have a new puppy. Talley is an English Setter and she is now 10 weeks old. So things are a little frantic, and sleep is sometimes a luxury in terms of getting at least two hours in a row. We haven't raised a puppy in almost 8 years.
I have been intimately aware of her little pink puppy tongue because, well, puppies chew everything. Everything. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
But she's cute, and actually has been a very good pup.
As dogs get older, their tongues get longer and loll around a lot. Especially on hot summer days. Saturday is the first day of summer. It will be a hot weekend, so I'm guessing there will be lolling tongues aplenty.
Here are some studio shots of dogs who said "hey, it's my tongue and I will show it."
For more variations on this theme (Tongues), check out the blog circle starting with Pawparazzi Pet and Animal Photography presented by Shae Pepper Photography. Enjoy your weekend and the first day of summer!