I love to use gray as my background and platform base covers. Then I can add overlays, painted backgrounds, textures and even change the color a bit as needed. So gray is a favorite here in the studio.
Having said that, I found some other gray things to show you.
We've had a couple of gray days here in Northeastern Pennsylvania, but that dastardly ground hog promised us an early spring. He'd better be right or I just might have to find him. I hope your weekend is blue and yellow, but if it isn't, we can use a gray background and make it so.
For more "gray" interpretations on this week's theme, head over to Tracy Allard of Penny Whistle Photography, fetching portraits in Coppell and surrounding communities in the Dallas - Fort Worth metroplex. Look for the link at the end of each blog to move around the circle and see more enjoyable grayness.