Well, we photographers know how to roll with the punches. We can adapt ourselves to any situation. Right gang?
So I have decided to look back over my use of the lights we associate with Christmas and the holiday season, and do a throw back to the holidays blog. Plus one new photo from the past week.
The lights of Christmas offer some of my most interesting scenes, like the bright Christmas window at the Waverly General Store.
Speaking of backgrounds, I purchased a new background this year just for use with kitties, and my cat, Luna, was kind enough to demonstrate her ability to stay still long enough for a photo. This of course, after she examined every single inch of the studio, hid for a while under my platform and finally decided she was interested in the oversized Christmas ornaments, enough to settle in with them. I added a little magical whimsy to the photo as well.
For more on "Light" (this week's theme), check out the blog circle. Start with Susannah Maynard of Pet Love Photography, serving Greater Cincinnati, the San Francisco Bay Area, and destinations nationwide. Have a safe weekend everyone!