So, the first, first step is really up to you--THE DECISION.
After that there are four things you might have questions about:
1. What is the First Step to Beautiful Pet Portraits?
2. What happens at a professional photography session?
3. What happens AFTER the session?
4. What types of products are available for me to choose as lasting memories of my pet?
Today I am going to cover number one.
Using this analogy, you might have done an actual sighting of someone's wall art that revolved around them having their pet's photos taken, then started to google the possibility of actual pet photographers near you (hmmmm...they do exist!), finally deciding to make actual CONTACT with the photographer. Hopefully, that's me. (Just in case you want a fast route to that contact, click here, which takes you to my contact form.)
Within 24 hours, you will receive a response. The contact page also has my phone number and email address. You might opt to use those methods instead. Whatever is easier for you is the best plan.
I am going to ask you three questions:
(a) When is the best time for us to set up a no obligation consult meeting?
(b) Would you like to come to the studio (above) to chat?
(c) Would you like me to meet you somewhere else to chat? (Perhaps your pet's favorite location or your home or over a beverage of your choice at a nearby coffee spot.)
Once we have scheduled our close encounter, you will receive an email with a questionnaire attached. It isn't a test and you won't be scored. It's very easy to fill out, and not only asks questions about your pet, but also asks questions that get you thinking about what you hope the final results of your photography quest will be, and gives ME (your photographer) some insight into those thoughts.
You will bring that questionnaire, filled out, to our consult meeting. (Don't have a way to print it? No worries, I have a version that you can fill out on line as well.)
Let's face it, I might not be the right fit for your needs. If that is the case, I will point you in the right direction to help you achieve exactly what you want. AND, the consult meeting can help you answer any questions you might have as we move further along the process.
I take great interest in all of my clients and their families and pets. I want you to always feel comfortable and happy with ME and the end result. Once you have achieved that comfort level and your decision to proceed is confirmed, we will sign a contract and move to STEP TWO.
THAT'S IT! Step one complete. Easy, right?
So what are you waiting for? There is no time like the present to make that decision.
Still want to learn more? Stay tuned. In the next three weeks I will be highlighting all aspects of what happens AFTER the FIRST STEP!
In the meantime, let's learn more about how the other photographers in the blog circle approach your inquiry and the consultation process. Start with Angela Schneider of Big White Dog Photography, getting you started on your path to a unique portrait of dogs in Spokane and North Idaho. Then look for the link at the end of Angela's blog to move on to the next photographer in the circle. Rinse and repeat until you find yourself back here again!
Enjoy your weekend. I hope it's full of great sightings and close encounters!